Menopause Yoga

Over the past year I have frequently felt I am taking ‘1 step forwards, 2 steps back’, which ironically in itself makes so much more sense after completing this training!  I am therefore particularly pleased to now be able to display my Menopause Yoga Accredited Teacher badge.

A lot’s changed with me since Walthamstow Village Yoga and, though it was always my wish to continue to teach yoga when I moved to the Midlands, it seems that, up to now, a lot of life has gotten in the way.  Finally though, bigger children meant little pockets of space for new ventures opening up in my life and I was overwhelmed with the desire to spend my days doing things that I wholeheartedly believe in.   Having previously focused largely on pre and post-natal teaching, I have been fascinated to learn more about the menopausal transition and how we can support and empower ourselves and others through yoga to embrace and harness all that this phase of life has to offer.

Please visit to find out more directly from Petra Coveney, the Founder of Menopause Yoga, which includes a directory of Menopause Yoga trained yoga teachers.

I will be teaching Menopause Yoga online and face-to-face in Nottinghamshire and so, please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about upcoming classes and workshops.  These will include:

  • A sharing circle:  a safe space to come together and share experiences of menopause.
  • Meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques): to promote feelings of well-being.
  • A positive psychological approach: highlighting and signposting towards alternative perspectives on the menopause and symptoms.
  • Support to develop a journalling practice: to gain a deeper understanding of your own unique experience of menopause and to support you in a journey of self-growth.
  • Asana practice: a physical yoga practice tailored to support menopausal symptoms - curious cavapoo optional 😊.

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